EC Papers September 2017

EC Minutes July 19 2017

Bro. Nicholls reported the Union Building Conference would take place February 2018 and planning needed to begin and outline programme by TUC would be needed. Sis. Euston suggested the involvement of Acorn.

Bro. Nicholls reported on the recent media involvement of Ruskin College and the closures of their courses.

Bro. Nicholls reported Terms of reference of F&GP committee as reported in pack. Bro. Smith reported Oshor Williams would now be on the F&GP committee.

EC members agreed.

General Secretary’s report was discussed by Bro. Nicholls and agreed by EC members.

12. Implementation of Motions.

Bro. Nicholls reported that updates on actions would be noted and periodically updated for the EC and encouraged individual unions to also provide any updates.

13. To Note Dates of future Meetings.

Bro. Smith reported that future meeting dates were included in EC papers and asked that EC members took note of future dates.

Bro. Nicholls discussed future EC meeting venues. EC members discussed cost implications and future venue meetings room availability.

Bro. Nicholls reported the 2019 BGCM 2019 would take place at Quorn Grange Hotel.

Sis. Woolley asked EC members to take note of the New Generation Festival date 20th- 22nd April 2018.


Any Other Business

Bro. Nicholls reported a message of solidarity had been sent to the POA for the loss of today’s court case.

Bro. Linn discussed Data Protection training and that Unions need to be able to demonstrate this has been implemented. Bro. Williams discussed the potential of fines and the importance of this training.

Bro. Smith suggested sending a note to affiliates. Bro. Nicholls agreed to look further into Data Protection training possibilities.

Meeting closed 2.36pm


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