Melody Trumpet chapter sampler

‘Barry!’ Mrs Trumpet said, swatting him over the head with her handkerchief. ‘She called to personally invite us to see Melody’s first performance in Crescendo Hall.’ ‘What?’ Mr Trumpet spluttered. ‘Why on earth would Principal Sharp be excited about that? Melody’s awful!’ ‘But she doesn’t know that, you buffoon!’ ‘Oh yes.’ He sank back into his seat. ‘Of course she doesn’t. But why does she think Melody’s going to be performing in Crescendo Hall of all places?’ ‘Because she’s inviting us to the annual Debut Gala,’ Mrs Trumpet said. ‘Apparently, the child is ten years old.’ ‘Ten years old, you say? You’re joking!’ Mr Trumpet snorted in disbelief. ‘When did this happen?’ ‘I checked her birth certificate as soon as I got off the phone. She turned ten today . How did we let this sneak up on us?’ she moaned. The Debut Gala was the most important annual event at the Battyville Elite School For Musically Gifted Children. As soon as a student reached ten years of age, they gave their first performance in the school’s great Crescendo Hall, which was one of the most famous concert halls in the world — in part due to the famous performances the Trumpets themselves had given there. Melody’s tenth birthday was a day the Trumpets had


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