Melody Trumpet chapter sampler

and she was forbidden to talk to them. So they stayed on their side of the garden, and she stayed on hers, with nothing but her notebook to keep her company. The notebook had been a present from her parents on her ninth birthday. Like most years, they’d forgotten to organise a suitable gift or celebration, so Mr Trumpet had grabbed the nearest item from a cupboard in his study and wrapped it up in old newspaper and ribbon. Yet that time their forgetfulness had paid off. The notebook was the perfect gift for Melody, and it had barely left her side for over a year. Now, with the postman gone, and the Bloom family distracted, Melody glanced around one last time to make sure there was no sign of her parents. Sure that she was alone, she held up the envelope. Her name danced across it in neat loopy calligraphy: Miss Melody Trumpet. This sort of thing didn’t happen every day. In fact, this sort of thing never happened. She turned the envelope over in her hand. It was from Ms A F Sharp of the Battyville Elite School For Musically Gifted Children. Allegra F Sharp. The school principal. Heart racing, Melody slid her finger under the sticky seal of the envelope, edging it open millimetre by millimetre. She didn’t dare move too fast in case it ripped.


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