1910s Jack's manual by J A Grohusko (3rd edition)

tia! oil of malt being a bland and harmless substance, fulfils a very useful therapeutic office, as by its diaphoretic action upon the skin it promotes and increases excretion, and con- sequently mitigates the accumulative effects of the alcohol. Both pure malt whiskey as well as genuine cognac brandy possess beneficent qualities in their secondary products, the resulting ethers of which have peculiarly pleasing char- acteristics. Amylic alcohol, on the contrary (the essential oil of grain whiskey), is poisonous even in minute doses, and is most difficult to eliminate from the whiskey by any process. Its deleterious effect may be recognized by a paralyzing influ- ence upon the skin, which, closing the doors of escape for the alcohol when consumed, produces feverish symptoms, furred tongue, thirst and headache. Whiskey containing it has earned, therefore, the reputation of being "the Devil in Solution." It is also necessary to avoid spirits of any kind to which saccharine or other softening ingredients have been added. For some reason not apparent in the present state of our knowledge of the chemistry of digestion, the tendency of sugar to turn acid on the stomach is increased when taken in combination with alcohol. Alcohol plays an important part in the arrest of phthisis — particularly among those who have delicate skins and per- spire freely the advantageous effects produced in these cases by the entire abandonment of all medication, and the em- ployment of considerable doses of spirit is well established. All those cases which are characterized by weakness of the heart, failing circulation, inability to take food, loss of power of sleep, and exhaustion, come under the category of suitable cases in which the best liqueur brandy or fine old malt whiskey is indicated as the most suitable form of alco- hol that can be used, no matter how much one has to pay for it. The physiological action of alcohol of whatever variety is greatly modified by climate, habits of life, and the hourly changes in the atmosphere. A humid climate, whether it be hot pr cold, seems not only to tolerate its use, but often to require a stimulant; but in dry and hot countries whiskey should be sparingly used. RUM The terrn rum is an abbreviation of rumbullion. Rum is a spirit, distilled frorn the juice of sugar cane, and also from molasses, in countries where sugar cane is not cultivated. The best qualities of rum are made in the West Indies and are named after the place of manufacture, such as Jamaica Rum, Antigura rum/ and St. Croix rum. New _ England and Medford rum was one of the chief alcoholic drinks of this country, but its consumption has con- siderably diminished through prohibition laws and the steady advance of the use of whiskey. The medicinal properties of rum are unquestioned, and for home remedies it is still in the 20

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