U Magazine, Spring 1988
Board elects officers; names newmembers T he Alumni Association board of directors rece ntly elected new officers for 1988 and welcomed five new members to its ranks. The officers are Delle (Willett '64) Stattin, president; Virginia Stehly '83, 1989 president-elect; Charles LiMan– dri '77, vice president; and Carlton Hoggard '78, secretary. The new directors , who began serv– ing two-year terms in January, include:
Hampton in San Diego, specializing in real estate, leases, commercial loans and land use. Laurel is a psy– chotherapist, formerly with the People Growers Counseling Center in Laguna Hills. She is completing work for a master's degree in mar– riage, family and child counseling at USO.
Bo1111ieHenry '83
manages the labor and delivery unit at the center. She is a member of the Perinatal Nurse Leaders Council, the California Society of Nursing Service and the editorial board of Special Care magazine.
Stephen Wojdowski '67
Stephen Wojdowski '67, a self– employed certified public account– ant in San Diego. Wojdowski is manied and the father of two teen– age sons. The new members join 13 returnees on the board . The veterans include Charles Abdi '83, Fran Dolan '63 (Sacred Heart representative) , Goldie (Sinegal '75) Dustman, Charles King '62, Andrew Kozlowski '80, Michael Liuzzi '76, Larry McDonald '85 (MBA) (Graduate Business Association repre– sentative) , Christine (Lynch '78 M. Ed.) Muecke (Education Association representative), Lori (Murray '83) Simpson, Bob O'Connell '82 (Crew Alumni Association represe ntative), Michael Pon '80, Elizabeth (Lennox) Reed , and Clare White '80. USD's Alumni Association and its board of directors work to involve alumni in the educational, social and financial aspects of USO. D
Carol (Farrell '57, '77 M. Ed .) Burke. Principal of Coronado High School, Burke also is a member of the Coronado Rotary Club, the Coronado Schools Foundation and the city of Coronado's strategic planning committee. The Coronado resident is the mother of five children .
Laurel (Potter '77) Klotz
Randall '76 and Laurel (Potter '77) Klotz. The couple is sharing a spot on the board . Randall is an attorney with Sheppard, Mullin Richter and
School picks Atherton for top honors D r. Jeanne Atherton '87 (Ed .D) ., at Mesa College in 1973. She tran sfer– red to Miramar College as dean of arts and sciences in 1980, then was appointed director of instructional and student services at City College in 1984. recently appointed as the first woman president of San Diego City College, was named the School of Education's Alumna of the Year March 26. Dr. Atherton was honored at the school's annual alumni dinner. A 14-year employee of the three– campus San Diego Community Col– lege District, Dr. Atherton joined the district as dean of instructional services Dr. Atherton earned a master of arts in communications from New York University and a bachelor of scie nce in education from State University of New York. D
SteveGauvin '84
Steve Gauvin '84 . Gauvin is the distribution sales manager for Had– den Associates of San Diego. He served as co-chair of USD's 1987 alumni homecoming weekend and belongs to the USO Sigma Pi Alumni Association and the San Diego Repertory Theater. Bonnie Henry '83, ('86 MSN/ MBA). A nursing supervisor at UCSD Medical Center, Henry
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