U Magazine, Spring 1988

University of San Diego Archives


UMagazine Editor


John Sutherland Director of Public Relations Charles Reilly Photography Ken Jacques '78 Pablo Mason ContributingWriters Die Doumanian Ted Gosen Shirley Hulett Rosemary (Masterson '70) Johnston John Nunes Clare White '80 Editorial Board Dr. Eren Branch Ted Gosen Joan Murry '87 (MBA) John Nunes Maureen Phalen '76 Charles Reilly Clare White '80 USO President Dr. Author E. Hughes Vice President for University Relations John G. McNamara On the cover: Joe Flohr, coachof the USO men's crew team. Photo by Pablo Mason U Magazine is published four times annually (Fall, \Vintc:r, Spring, Summer) by the University of San Diego for its alumni, parems and friends. Editorial offices are locau:d in lJeSa\cs Hall, Room 274, USO. Alcala Park. San Diego. CA 92110. Telephone (619) 260-4684. Cops-right 1987 b,· the Unin:rsicy of San Diego. Reproduction in "·hole: or in pan without permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego. CA 92 110. Unsolicited manuscripts should include a stamped. self– addressed envelope. Opinions cxpn:ssc


Spring 1988

Vol. 3, No. 3

Searching for the Perfect Stroke By John Sutherland Crew is a spore whose athletes' quest fo r perfection might be compared to medieval knights' quest for the Holy Grail. It's a quest chat binds together the searchers like few ocher endeavors.

Thomas helps SeaWorld splash toward success By Rosemary (Masterson) Johnston '70 As Sea World's senior vice president of marketing, Bill Thomas '61 help s steer the aq uat ic theme parks to golden days.

Aglimpseat the teaching/ learning process rleaching is the Uni versity's top priority. Here's part three of a ser ies focusing on what makes chat process work according co two people who shou ld know - a professor and hi s fo rmer student.


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