LITTLE SHIP CLUB July 2016 eNews

Reproduced by permission

Joint Submission Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron proposal for a Category 1 Mooring Area in Deanbilla Bay, North

Their interests range from purely recreational, to safety, environmental and commercial concerns. The CCA does not purport to represent all similar organisations within the Moreton Bay Marine Park nor has it sought to approach and include other such organisations. It is likely however that the opposition to the Proposal which members of the CCA have, would be shared by many other organisations and likely, many thousands of recreational users of the Moreton Bay Marine Park. The concerns of members of the local marine rescue organisation have also been expressed to us. The CCA has also had discussions with the local indigenous peoples including the Indigenous Corporation responsible for the management and implementation of the Indigenous Land Use Agreements applicable to the area in question (QYAC). QYAC is understood to be making its own submission but has provided CCA its approval of this submission. 1. Exclusionary nature of the Proposal It is inherent in the Proposal that the Applicant would be granted a Mooring Management Agreement by the Queensland Maritime Service over a substantial part of Deanbilla Bay. Under any such Mooring Management Agreement, the Applicant would have the right to unilaterally determine the terms and conditions upon which any member of the boating pub- lic would be entitled to use any mooring within the designated Category 1 Mooring Area. This includes the right to impose charges and fees and limits on the use and times during which moorings within the designated Mooring Area can be used. Under the Proposal, the existing approved mooring positions in the current Category 3 designated Mooring Area, would become approved mooring positions in the Category 1 Mooring Area proposed in the Proposal. It is likely that over time, all the moorings will be taken up, at least in high demand times such as over the Christmas Holidays, the Easter Weekend, other long weekends and during school holidays. This has certainly been the experience in similar areas such as in the One Mile Anchorage. As with the One-Mile Anchorage, this is likely to leave little if any room for boats to anchor within the designated Mooring Area. As such, the Applicant would in effect have exclusive control over the majority of Deanbilla Bay, including the most protected part of the anchorage, toward the southern end (where the Applicant already has 10 approved moorings which it announced on 19 May 2016 are for the use only of members of the Applicant). Accordingly, the Applicant could exclude whoever it chooses to, whenever it chooses to, only allowing meaningful access to the area on its conditions. The CCA does not believe the Applicant intends to do so but in theory there would be nothing stopping the Applicant, should the Proposal be approved, requiring anyone who wishes to access and use any mooring within the designated Mooring Area, to be a full member of the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Ltd, at a cost of approximately $1,000.00 per annum.

Stradbroke Island Executive Summary

This submission is made on behalf of a number of significant boating and marine organisations and businesses operating within Moreton Bay (the Combined Clubs and Associations or CCA). The CCA opposes approval of the application by the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Ltd (the Applicant) for a Category 1 Mooring Area in Deanbilla Bay (the Proposal). There are nine primary bases upon which the CCA opposes approval of the Proposal, being: – 1. Exclusionary nature of the Proposal; 2. Reduced Maritime Safety; 3. Increased risk of Marine Incidents; 4. Inconsistency with the rights of the indigenous peoples of Stradbroke Island and Moreton Bay; 5. Failure to take into account town planning and other obstacles; 6. Potential adverse environmental impact on the Marine Park; 7. Increased risk to the oyster industry; 8. The creation of a precedent leading to the granting of further exclusive rights arrangements; and 9. Lack of support for the Proposal by members of the The CCA consists of the following clubs and associations operating in that part of the Moreton Bay Marine Park relevant to the Proposal: – 1. Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club Inc.; 2. MBTBC Marina Ltd; 3. Wynnum Manly Yacht Club Inc.; 4. Wynnum Manly Yacht Club Marina Ltd; 5. Little Ship Club Inc.; Applicant. The CCA

6. Queensland Cruising Yacht Club Inc.; 7. Australian Jet Ski Association Inc.; 8. Cleveland Yacht Club Inc.; 9. Trailer Sailer Club of Queensland Inc.; 10. Moreton Bay Boat Club Inc.; 11. Multihull Yacht Club Queensland Inc.; and 12. Queensland Oyster Growers Association Inc.

The CCA represents thousands of members who have close and significant interests in the well-being of the Moreton Bay Marine Park including Deanbilla Bay.

Supplement: Facing the future of Straddie

July 2016 eNews SPECIAL


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