2019 Wilderness Travel Catalog of Adventures

New Zealand: South Island Adventure A DREAM JOURNEY IN NATURE’S WONDERLAND

From the mountains to the sea, the entire South Island of New Zealand feels like one enormous national park—no

Days 4-7 Abel Tasman National Park / Paparoa National Park With golden beaches, aquamarine waters, native forests, and magnificent coastal trails, Abel Tasman National Park is pure magic for hiking. From our lodge, accessible only on foot or by boat, we follow trails through delicate fern forests to headlands and wild beaches with fantastic views across Tasman Bay. On the wild West Coast, our hikes bring us along the seacliffs of Cape Foulwind and into Paparoa National Park, lush with Nikau palms, northern rata, and cabbage trees. Days 8-11 Fox Glacier / Mount Aspiring National Park The Fox Glacier is flanked by emerald rainforests and framed by the snowy giants of the Southern Alps. Our exciting walk gives us close perspectives of the remnant glacier that has carved this landscape, and as we hike, we may hear it creaking and groaning in the distance. A walk on a rainforest track brings us to Munro Beach in search of rare Fiordland crested penguins, and in the majestic Matukituki Valley in Mount Aspiring

wonder Kiwis celebrate any opportunity to “have a go” at outdoor adventure! We discover firsthand the natural beauty that inspires them as we swim among wild dolphins at Kaikoura, hike from mystical fern forests to powdery white-sand beaches in Abel Tasman National Park, discover the icy wonder of Fox Glacier, and take an overnight cruise in mountain- ringed Milford Sound. Outdoor adventure abounds (as does wine tasting and fresh farm-to-table cuisine), yet our journey

“This unique trip takes you from hiking by a glacier to beautiful coastal beaches—all within a day. There is such variety of terrain and activity—and WT provides the maximum experience.”

Our Trip Leaders know the best locations throughout the stunning South Island— they’ve been guiding this adventure for years. Experience makes all the difference! PHOTO BELOW: MORITZ WOLF FLIP NICKLIN

Ally F., San Diego CA

also reveals the friendly Kiwi character and unhurried pace of this nature-blessed land. At journey’s end, extend the fun with a three-day hike on the Hollyford Track in Fiordland National Park, a World Heritage Site. Days 1-3 Christchurch / Kaikoura Coast / Swim with Wild Dolphins / Marlborough Sounds / Nelson We begin with a bang—a swim amid pods of playful dusky dolphins, some of Kaikoura’s famous local personalities. With wetsuit, mask, snorkel, and fins, we enter the world of these amazing marine creatures, then hike the coastal clifftops of the Kaikoura Peninsula. After a picnic and wine tasting in Marlborough Sounds’ renowned vineyards, we end our day in Nelson, a haven for artists and horticulturalists.


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