1960 The U K B G Guide to Drinks (3 rd edition revised)



Royal Clover Club The Juice of 1 /2 Lemon. 1 tablespoonful of Grena dine. The Yolk of one Fresh Egg. 1 glass Gin. Shake well and Strain into double Cocktail glass.


I/2 Dry Gin. 1/2 Sherry. Stir and Strain. Add Cherry.


1 /4 Gin. 1 /4 Rum. 1/4 Lemon Jnice. 1/4 Grenadine. Shake and Strain.


1/2 Dry Vermouth. 1/4 Bourbon Whiskey. 1/4 Benedictine. 1 Dash Peach Bitters. Stir and Strain.

Rose There are several versions but the most popular, to be found in Paris where it wasinvented,is asfollows: 1 teaspoonful of Raspberry Syrup (Framboise). 1/3 Kirsch. 2/3 Dry Vermouth. Stir and Strain. Add Cherry.

Royal Mail 1/4 Orange Juice. 1 /4 Lemon Juice. 1 /4 Sloe Gin.

1/4 Van der Hum. 1 Dash Absinthe. Shake and Strain.

Royal Romance 1 /2 Gin. 1/4 Grand Marnier. 1/4 Dry Passion Fruit. Dash of Grenadine. Shake and Strain.


1/3 Port. 1/3 Gin. 1/3 Grand Marnier. Dash Angostura. Stir and Strain.


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