May, ami the arrangement of this Royal establishment is under the direction of four Gentlemen holding high situations,, under the government. On one side of the Theatre is the followiug inscrip­ tion: ’’Landsmand, og hvo fin c r , naar fiu i vorcs Skuc- spil, som i ct Spoil, beiragter Verdens Vandcl, den onde, og den godc, beleer McnncsJcels SJcrbbeltghed , fiaarlighed, « I og Udyd, da leer derved at Icjcndc Pin egen, at rette den, forandre og forbedre Dig fra del Uanslccndigc til det An- stamdige, fra del Onde til det Code, fra Udyd til Dyd. Tak den slormcrgligste, allcrnaadigste og viseste Encvolds- herre og Kongo, Frederick den Femte, som skjmnkede Plad- sen, lod Unset bygge til sine Undersaatters Nytte, og liver 1 ' ■ ■ '• . Mands Forlystclsc, lagde dcrtil mange naadige Friheder.

Opbyggct 1718 a f Frederick den femte, Udvidet 1774 a f Christian den syvende, Ilcggc Danmarks og Norges Konger og UelgjSrcrc.

Countrymen, or whoever you may he, you will find reflected in our Theatre as in a looking glass, your journey through life 5 here is represented good and evil; you will ridicule the’ weakness, folly, and vice of human nature, and will learn to know your own faults and to correct them; to alter and to improve your­ selves from that which is improper, to that which is correct; from that which is had, to that which is good;

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