The roof of this Cathedral is beautiful; It is adorned by the representation of the twelve apostles; around the pulpit are the four evangelists in Marble. The Altar- piece "presented to this Cathedral by Christian the fourth is magnificent; it is descriptive of the history of Christ from his birth, until his cruci­ fixion. No stranger visiting Denmark should neglect seeing this Church. is a village situated on an eminence, and overlooking a handsome lakc;< it is about four English Miles from the Capital. On approaching it, is a statue ornamented with the emblems of husbandry, erected to the memory of Count BernstorfT by grateful peasants, whom he emancipated from feudal servitude on his estates. This distinguished Nobleman was the foreign Da­ nish Minister in the year 1167. The following simple memorial cannot fail, to create in every lover of humanity, the greatest veneration for the memory of this great man; on the pcdcbtal is the following inscription: / I uViis JSfanibus Joh. Erncsli Comitus da Bernslorff urva discreta immunia hereditaria largiando indtu■ Gjentofte

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