fessor Clemens in Engraving, ami Professor Freund in Seulpturc. The before mentioned Professors elect a Director for three years; at the expiration of which time a new elec­ tion takes place, and the late Director is not again eli­ gible for the same space of time. Besides the Professors before described, there arc three others in Sciences: Professor Itlingenborg in Ana­ tomy; Professor Schow in History and Mythology; and Professor Ursin in Mathematicks. Attached to this establishment arc the following schools, three for the study of architecture; three for ornamental drawings; two for living models of different characters for study in drawing, and one modelling-school. In the statuary room is a fine collection of antique "figures; some feAV arc sculptured in marble, and the rest arc cast in plaster of paris. On the thirty first ofMareh the birth-day of King Fre­ derick the fifth, who was the founder of this noble Insti­ tution, a public meeting of all the Professors and mem­ bers is held, when the Secretary states the financial situ­ ation of the Academy and relates every thing that lias oc­ curred during the preceding year; after this the deser­ ving young artists arc rewarded by Ilis Itoyal Highness Prince Christian with a medal of Gold or Silver. On the first of April the Academy is opened for the in­ spection of the Public, and continues ho until the first of May.

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