C I I U l t C l I E S .

The Church of Saint Nicolas one of the oldest churches of the City, having been nearly destroyed in the V • ' « dreadful fire of 1795 it Avas resolved by llis Majesty’s or- v i . dinance issued on the 9th January 1807 that it should not be repaired, but that the touer should be formed into a Watch toAver. On the summit of this building is aReser­ voir of Avatcr ; and a residence for a Watchman, av I io resides in this edifice to give alarm on the least appearance of fire. In the lower part of the building is an Engine, fife buckets &o., always ready in case of emergency. The construction of this edifice Avas delayed until 1820 in consequence of the scarcity, and exorbitant price of building materials, but in the siime year after the design of Lieutenant Colonel 'Smith director of the fire corps the Avatcli tower conynenecd and Avas finished in the two fol- loAving year? at an expense of 25,000 Species; The Church o f ilia Virgin Mary, is situated in NdrreGade; its first erection is very'uncertain, formerly it Avas one of th e.p a rish churches but in the commencement of the 13lh Century it Avas formed into a Cathedral Avhcn Prelates and Prebends Averc appointed, and its foundation is at present supported from the funds of different parish ehurchds. i * ' V ,

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