
„ The King knows that just laws Secure liberty to Citizens, cause love to their country, courage lor its defence, an inclination for knowledge, a wish for in­ dustry, and a hope for Prosperity. / ' ' On the AVcst-sidc is inscribed: „Kongcn bod: Stavnsbaandct steal ophiire, Landbolovcn gives Orden og Kraft, at den fr i Bonde kan vorde kjeh og oplyst, flittig og god, hcederlig Borgcr , hjkkelig.,> ,,Tlic King commands that feudal bondage shall he abolished; the law for peasants shall have its full power, so that peasants being possessed of their full li­ berty may he courageous, enlightened, fortunate, indus­ trious, and respectable citizens.” On the North-side: „Grundslencn blcv lagt o f Frederik, Kongens Sun, Fol- kets Fen, 1792’’. , ,,Thc foundation-stone was laid by Frederick, the Son of the King, and the friend of the people, in 1792.” On the South-side: „For Christian den Srjvcndc , de Danskes og Norskes Kongo , a f cnigc og taknemmcligc Borgcre ,,To llis Majesty Christian the Seventh, King of Denmark and Norway , from united and grateful ci­ tizens.” The Pedestal, on which this Obelisk is erected, is of Norwegian marble.

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