1) The Royal Medical Society. 2 ) The Classcnian Literary Society. 3) The Royal Society for the extension of Veterinary science. j 4) The Icelandic literary society. 5) The society for the promulgation of Northern anti­ quities. 6) The Society for the promulgation of natural phi­ losophy. 7) The Society for the extension of Danish literature. The Royal society for the extension of Agriculture founded in the year 1768. Its Funds amount as to about 10,000 Pounds Sterling , and the bounty of His Danish Majesty and voluntary contributions , contribute much to the advancement of other branches of industry. The Danish Bible society instituted on the 22nd May 1814 was confirmed by His present Majesty on the 16th July of the same year; Count Schimmclmann Minister for foreign alTairs is President; in the Month of May a:i an­ nual meeting of the members tale place; this society lias so rapidly advanced in prosperity that in 1827 it had a capital of about 8,000 Pounds Sterling, and about 140,000 copies of the sacred scriptures have been distributed.

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