In the year 1683 and 1687 Christian the fifth published an excellent code of civil and criminal laws for the go­ vernment of the kingdom of Denmark and Norway; lmt Iceland was allowed to retain her ancient laws and privi­ leges. The code of laws of this Kingdom arc simple and excellent, and justice is administered in its-several courts with equity. The court of reconciliation instituted in Denmark by the ordinance of the 10 July 1795 has proved highly be­ neficial, and has prevented thousands of law suits; front this court there is an appeal to the (DcnKongcligcLands- Overret saint Hof- og Stalls -R et i Kjdhcnhavn) Iloyal Provincial Court in Copenhagen, and if not satisfied with the sentence of this court, there is again appeal to the (Iloicste Ret) the highest court of judicature in this kingdom. Ills Majesty of Denmark is president of this tribunal which consists of a Justitiarius, and twelve assessors. This court is opened by the Sovereign of Denmark in the Royal Palace of Rosenborg on the first thursday in the I' month of march when he confirms lire first cause that is brought before it, after which all other causes nrc tried and decided in the Royal Palace situated near Christiansborg. Independant of tbe before mentioned courts; there is the court of requests; the Sea court, the ecclesiastical, and military courts.

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