
n Fatherhood Program

Identity Part 2: The second part of this workshop includes identifying the positive attributes that the participants possess. Participants are asked to list 25 “Great I Am’s,” or 25 things that are uniquely good about themselves. The importance of making this list is to actively deconstruct any feelings of negative self-worth and begin the process of restoration by implementing positive characteristics that will ulti- mately increase their self-esteem. workshop, participants learn how to identify their own self-worth and learn how to communicate that to others by learning how to “sell” themselves. Whether it be for employment or to others, participants learn how to exude confidence rather than arrogance, and engage with other participants to develop the ability to communicate their strengths. This exercise also helps participants see the po- tential in others and helps them further develop empathy. 6 Reflection In this powerful workshop, participants share their autobiographies to the group, but also in front of a mir- ror. The goal of this is for the participants to confront themselves and be truthful and open in telling their story. 5 Worth Referring to the “Great I Am’s” from the prior

TYROs are encouraged to leave behind their mental and emotional baggage in order for them to heal com- pletely and keep it from causing harm in the future. After completing their story, participants are given positive affirmations and support by the other TYROs — a crucial step in helping the participant see the positive characteris- tics within themselves. This workshop is vital in helping the participant discuss all of the good or bad events that has made them who they are today, helping eliminate the tendency of denial or blaming, and increases their self-es- teem and self-worth in order to develop a positive vision for the future of their family. 7 Vision This workshop is conducted in two parts: Vision Part 1 : Short, medium and long-term goals are developed in this stage of the program. Participants are reminded how vital it is to develop sustainable and healthy goals for the future that include each of their family members in the process. The importance of including their families in their goals are stressed because it develops a family vision that can be worked towards and achieved by working together. In creating these goals, participants will recognize whether they have a clear plan or are just living moment by mo- ment. Defining achievable and measurable goals is the


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