

HIRING FROG POND & FROG HOPPER CAMP STAFF ^tarting earůy this spring, keep an eye out iĨ you want to become part oĨ our sum- mer staī Ĩor the 20ϭ9 season. /Ĩ you͛re ůooking Ĩor a Ĩun, exciting summer ũob, this is your opportunity͊ Frog Pond pooů staī wiůů incůude head guards, ůiĨeguards and Ĩront gate aƩendants. Frog ,opper Camp staī wiůů incůude camp directors and counselors. Check job availability and apply online when they become open at

LIFEGUARD CLASS – $200 dhe American Red Cross CertiĮed >iĨeguard draining Course wiůů provide you with the necessary skiůůs to become a CertiĮed >iĨeguard. dhe course wiůů incůude American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, A and >iĨeguarding draining. /ndividuaůs interested in the cůass shouůd be strong swimmers and come prepared to be chaůůenged with these new skiůůs. AŌer the successĨuů compůetion oĨ the course, you wiůů receive a certiĮcation vaůid Ĩor two years. /Ĩ you are seůected Ĩor an interview and hired with Montgomery County Parks and Rec, you wiůů receive a $100 refund at the end of the pool season. Please note: taking this class does not guarantee a job with MCPR; your application will be considered with all other applications, however – for your consideration – you must list your expected date of completion for this course on the application. Deadline to register: May 10 th . ^pace is ůimited.





May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26

4:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. ʹ 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. ʹ 3:00 p.m.

MidͲCounty Activity Center Θ Frog Pond


540.382.6975 | 17

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