
Public Safety

TRIAD S.A.L.T. COUNCIL dhe Christiansburg/Montgomery dR/A ^.A.>.d. ;^enior͛s and >aw nĨorcement torking dogetherͿ Counciů works on various proũects to beneĮt active oůder aduůts in the community. dhe counciů meets every third duesday oĨ the month at ϭ:30pm at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. dhe meetings are open to aůů who wish to aƩend. For additionaů inĨormation contact dammy Caůdweůů at 382Ͳ2349 or iving Community dues, Apriů ϭ6 3:00 p.m. ʹ 6:00 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center dues, May 2ϭ 9:00 a.m. ʹ ϭ2:00 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center ENGLISH MEADOWS FLORAL ARRANGING – FREE dake part in a Ňower arranging activity at the ngůish Meadows ^enior >iving Community on Tuesday, March 19 at 1:30 p.m. You will have an opportunity to assist some of the residents create a Ňoraů arrangement Ĩor their room. dhis activity is beneĮciaů to the residents in many ways by improving hand and eye coordination and as a sensory experience with smeůů and touch. /Ĩ you wouůd ůike to donate Ňowers, paint vases or assist with the program, contact dammy or





dues, Mar ϭ9

ϭ:30 pm

ngůish Meadows ^enior >iving


SHRED-A-THON – FREE ,eůp prevent identity theŌ and shred unwanted documents. Protect your important inĨormation and cůean out the cůuƩer. dhis is a drive thru event, no waůkͲups wiůů be aůůowed. Papers to be shredded are preĨerred to be in a půastic storage bin or box, no bigger than 22.5xϭ8xϭϭ.5 with a ůimit oĨ three per vehicůe. o no bring papers in půastic bags. For additionaů inĨormation contact dammy Caůdweůů at 382Ͳ6975 or emaiů: tcaůdweůů@




dues, Apr ϭ6

3:00 p.m. ʹ 6:00 p.m.

Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation

540.382.6975 | 27

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