
TRIAD SENIOR CARE FAIR – FREE dhe annuaů dR/A ^enior Care Fair on duesday, May 2ϭ, 9amͲ ϭ2pm at the Christiansburg Recreation Center wiůů Ĩeature exhibitors providing inĨormation on ůocaů agencies, businesses and organinjations who provide services to seniors. Pick up saĨety inĨormation, Ĩreebies, register Ĩor door prinje drawings and have light refreshments.

LOCK BOX PROGRAM – FREE dhe ůockbox program avaiůabůe Ĩor oůder aduůts provides emergency Įrst responders a way to gain access into the home oĨ participating residents to expedite access during a medicaů or other emergency. dhis program is sponsored by the dR/A ^.A.>d. Counciů and impůemented by the Christiansburg Poůice epartment. /Ĩ you have any Ƌuestions, contact the Crime Prevention ^peciaůist ;CP Ϳ at 540Ͳ382Ͳ3ϭ3ϭ. NRV SENIOR GAMES dhe ERV ^enior 'ames are being organinjed by RadĨord Parks and Recreation and wiůů be held April 28-May 3 at venues throughout the New River Valley. The games are open to participants 50 years oĨ age or oůder and consist oĨ a muůtitude oĨ athůetic and sociaů events. Registration inĨormation wiůů be avaiůabůe at your ůocaů parks and recreation department in earůy March. For additionaů inĨormation contact

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