2012 Spring Newsletter

Exhibit Open House On March 30th, we had an open house for our newest exhibit which features numerous photos on canvass, exhibits and displays on Miami County history, as well as iPads for visitor use that provided interaction with some of our exhibits. Similar to last year’s exhibit that focused on the period of 1850’s to 1870’s, this new exhibit overlapped and extended last years photo exhibit spanning 1870’s to about 1915. ć F FYIJCJU PQFOJOH UVSOFE PVU UP CF B WFSZ TVDDFTTGVM POF XJUI NBOZ NVTFVN TVQQPSUFST JO BUUFOEBODF BT XFMM BT NVTFVN TUBČ BOE MPDBM IJTUPSJBOT XIP XPSLFE PO UIF UFBN UIBU BTTFNCMFE UIJT FYIJCJU "MTP POF PG UIF CFTU supporters of our museum, Middle Creek Winery out of Louisburg was on hand serving their great wines for PVS HVFTU 0UIFS TVQQPSUFST PG UIJT FWFOU XFSF 5SPZ .BMPOF PG ić F (SBOE 'PSNBUw PG )JMMTEBMF XIP QSJOUFE PVS photos on canvass; his work in printing along with our own Roger Shipman’s skills in photo rework really pro EVDFE B UPQ RVBMJUZ EJTQMBZ UIBU XF DBO CF QSPVE PG GPS ZFBST UP DPNF 'VSUIFS NPSF +FČ )BSUM T DBUFSJOH QSP vided great appetizers for all on hand. Lastly, we would like to thank the Louis and Dolpha Baehr Foundation for their most generous grant that made this exhibit possible. Without the generosity of them and many others, it would make our job impossible to CSJOH .JBNJ $PVOUZ UIF CFTU NVTFVN FYIJCJUT QPTTJCMF ć JT DVSSFOU FYIJCJU XJMM CF PO EJTQMBZ VOUJM BU MFBTU UIF end of 2012. If you have any questions about this event, please call the museum at 913-294-4940 or email at whursey@hot mailcom. Fish Fry Fundraiser! On March 26th, Marcia Cook of the Louisburg Chamber of Commerce organized and held a Fish Fry Fundraiser GPS UIF NVTFVN ć F ĕ TI XFSF HSBDJPVTMZ DBVHIU DPPLFE BOE QSPWJEFE CZ (SFH (SBIBN BOE IJT MPZBM UFBN PG MPDBM ĕ TIFSNBO DPPLT ć JT FWFOU IBE UP CF POF PG PVS NPTU TVDDFTTGVM GVOESBJTJOH FWFOUT JO UIF MBTU ZFBS For the museum’s part in this fundraiser, we provided some displays, artifacts and photos of Louisburg history GPS UIF MPDBM QVCMJD T WJFXJOH XIP BUUFOEFE UIF ĕ TI GSZ ć F FYIJCJU GFBUVSFE %PD ,FMMZ T NFEJDBM CBH QIPUPT PG Brullman’s Hardware and Implement store and several other items and photos. Overall this fundraiser raised $698 for the museum. For this outstanding support, we would like to thank the QFPQMF PG -PVJTCVSH (SFH (SBIBN BOE IJT BXFTPNF ĕ TI GSZJOH UFBN BOE FTQFDJBMMZ .BSDJB $PPL GPS IFS IBSE work in organizing this event.

Betty Bendorf visits with fry cook John Gangle.


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