2012 Spring Newsletter

Ancient Americans T IF ĕ STU NFO UP TUFQ POUP UIF /FX 8PSME XFSF LOPXO BT UIF 1BMFP *OEJBOT +VEHJOH PO UIF FWJEFODF PG 1BMFP *OEJBO remains discovered in North America, this “land bridge” crossing from Siberia to Alaska took place around 15,000 # $ ć FTF QFPQMF XFSF BCMF UP DSPTT B MBOE CSJEHF MJOLJOH "TJB XJUI /PSUI "NFSJDB CFDBVTF EVSJOH UIF -BUF 1MFJT tocene period continent sized glaciers pulled water from the oceans, which lowered the sea level by nearly 400 feet. ć FTF TBNF HMBDJFST NBOZ DPWFSJOH QBSUT PG /PSUI "NFSJDBO QSFWFOUFE UIF 1BMFP *OEJBOT GSPN JOJUJBMMZ TQSFBEJOH across all parts of the continent. Evidence shows that Paleo Indians were probably nomadic people who crossed the land bridge as hunter and gather FST ć FJS USJCBM HSPVQT DPOTJTUFE JO TJ[F PG UP QFPQMF BOE UIFZ IVOUFE UIF MBSHF BOJNBMT TVDI BT CFBST CVČ BMP BOE DBSJCPV BOE TPNF TNBMMFS BOJNBMT ć FJS JOTUSVNFOUT PG IVOUJOH XFSF TJNQMF MPOH BOE TIPSU TQFBST Why is all this important to Miami County? We currently have on display numerous Paleo Indian artifacts. Most BSF IBOE UPPMT SBOHJOH GSPN TDSBQJOH BOE HSJOEJOH JOTUSVNFOUT UP NBOZ UZQFT PG BSSPX BOE TQFBS QPJOUT ć FTF were found by Miami County conservationist, Sam Hertha around the Hillsdale Lake area in the 1970’s. Sam Hertha contacted the Archeology Department at the University of Wichita who came to Miami County and conducted an excavation. ć F SFTVMUT PG UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 8JDIJUB T FYDBWBUJPO QSPEVDFE IVOESFET PG BODJFOU BSUJGBDUT TPNF EBUJOH NPSF UIBO ZFBST PME ć F FYDBWBUJPO BMTP QSPWJEFE WBMVBCMF FWJEFODF PG UIF FYJTUFODF PG 1BMFP *OEJBOT MJWJOH JO .JBNJ County for thousands of years before our well known native Indian tribes such as the Osage. JoeHursey

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