2012 Spring Newsletter

ć F .VTVFVN #PBSE -Fę UP 3JHIU TFBUFE 0OB /FVFOTDIXBOEFS )BOOFT 1PFUUFS Mike Gibson, Shelly Erickson, Marcia Cook and Vera Dakin. standing; Colleen Ewan, Joe Hursey, Bettie Ore, +FČ )BSUM Nina Gerkin, Lloyd Peckman, Elsie Cordel, Fran Burcham, Darrell Williams and Ann Davis. Absent were LeAnn Shields and Ben Maimer

An 1870s photo of Peoria St. was chosen by Monroe and Jean Dodd to JMMVTUSBUF UIF DPWFS PG UIFJS IJTUPSJDBM QIPUP CPPL ,BOTBT ć FO /PX ć F NVTFVN IBT DPQJFT GPS TBMF Roger Shipman restored the photo from 2 damaged images.

Robert Collins had a book signing Feb 29th. at the museum

3PCFSU $PMMJOT JT UIF BVUIPS PG UISFF TDJFODF ĕ DUJPO OPWFMT &YQFSU "TTJTUBODF -JTB T 8BZ BOE .POJUPS Mr. Collins is the author of two biographies: one of Senator Jim Lane; the other of General James G. Blunt. He is the author of the Kansas history book “Kansas 1874.” He is also the author of the following railroad books: Kan TBT 5SBJO 5BMFT (IPTU 3BJMSPBET PG ,BOTBT ,BOTBT 3BJMSPBE "UUSBDUJPOT ć F 3BDF UP *OEJBO 5FSSJUPSZ ,BOTBT 1BDJĕ D "O *MMVTUSBUFE )JTUPSZ BOE "SLBOTBT 7BMMFZ *OUFSVSCBO ć F &MFDUSJD 8BZ

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