2012 Spring Newsletter

0O 'FCSVBSZ UIF GPSN PG HPWFSONFOU DIBOHFE UP B #PBSE PG 4VQFSWJTPST ć F #PBSE XBT NBEF VQ PG POF TVQFSWJTPS GPS FBDI UPXOTIJQ BOE XIFSF OP UPXOTIJQ FYJTUFE UISFF TVQFSWJTPST XFSF DIPTFO BU MBSHF ć F ĕ STU NFFUJOH VOEFS UIJT GPSN PG HPWFSONFOU XBT IFME PO "QSJM ć F TFDPOE NFFUJOH .PSHBO $SPOLIJUF $IBJSNBO 4VQFS visors J. Phillips and Abram Ellis) was held to subdivide the county into townships. On May 1st, townships and voting precincts were established . Interestingly, with the exception of changes in boundaries to create Ten Mile and Valley Townships, the townships are NVDI UIF TBNF BT UPEBZ ć FSF XBT POF UPXOTIJQ OBNF DIBOHF .PVOE UPXOTIJQ XBT PSJHJOBMMZ OBNFE i#BUUMF .PVOEw Bę FS BO CBUUMF JO XIJDI +PIO #SPXO 4S QBSUJDJQBUFE )PXFWFS JU XBT MBUFS EJTDPWFSFE UIF CBUUMF UPPL QMBDF JO -JOO County; so the name was changed to Mound. ć F ĕ STU NFFUJOH PG UIF GVMM #PBSE PG 4VQFSWJTPST NFU PO +VOF ć F NFNCFST PG UIF CPBSE XFSF 8 3 8BHTUBČ 1BPMB W. S. Nichols Stanton Elias Stoker Sugar Creek John M. Ellis Wea J.H. King Richland Elias Smith Osage Abram Ellis Miami N. B. DeFord, Chairman Middle Creek T. C. Warren Marysville Morgan Cronkhite Osawatomie J. M. Walthall Mound According to the Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lykins County had 11 school districts, 144 persons of TDIPPM BHF XJUI FOSPMMFE JO TDIPPM ć F DFOTVT PG TIPXFE -ZLJOT DPVOUZ XJUI B QPQVMBUJPO PG ć F ĕ STU TFTTJPO PG EJTUSJDU DPVSU JO -ZLJOT $PVOUZ XBT IFME PO /PWFNCFS ć F DPVSU DPOTJTUFE PG UIF )POPS BCMF 3VTI &MNPSF "TTPDJBUF +VTUJDF PG UIF 5FSSJUPSJBM 4VQSFNF $PVSU 4IFSJČ ) ) 8JMMJBNT $MFSL PG UIF $PVSU 4 .D"S thur, and County Attorney B. F. Simpson. G.W. Miller, E.W. White, G.A. Colton, George W. Covert and Charles A. Foster XFSF BENJUUFE UP UIF CBS %VSJOH UIF TFTTJPO UIF EPDLFU DPOTJTUFE PG POF DJWJM DBTF BOE UISFF DSJNJOBM DBTFT ć F (SBOE Jury returned 39 indictments, the most popular criminal case was selling liquor to Indians. 8IFO ,BOTBT CFDBNF B TUBUF PO +BOVBSZ UIF TUBUF BOE DPVOUZ HPWFSONFOU DIBOHFE ć PNBT 3PCFSUT CFDBNF the Probate Judge; E. W. Robinson the Clerk of the District Court; W. T. Shively-Assessor; J.M. Ellis, Israel Christie and R.W. Shipley County Commissioners. On June 4, 1861, the name Lykins County was changed to Miami County. ć F GPMMPXJOH JT B TVNNBSZ MJTU PG $PVOUZ 0ď DJBMT State Senators-With date of election -

+ ) 1IJMMJQT ć PNBT 3PCFSUT +PIOTPO $MBSL G. A. Colton, 1864; David Anderson, 1866; H. H. Williams, 1868; E. H. Topping, 1870 and 1872; William Jones, 1874; B. F. Simpson, 1876; Leonard Bradbury, 1880.

Members of the House of Representatives - With date of election - " &MMJT ( " $PMUPO ( 8 .JMMFS # ' 4JNQTPO 8 3 8BHTUBČ ) 3JDF * $ISJTUJF " &MMJT - $ $POOFSZ 8JMMJBN $IFTUOVU 5 ) &MMJT 8 ( .D$VMMPDI ) 6QEFHSBČ + " ,FOEBMM 8JMMJBN )VČ NBO ) ) 8JMMJBNT + 8 (PTTFUU 8JMMJBN )VČ NBO 8 )ZOFS 5BZMPS ) # 4NJUI 3FVCFO 4NJUI & ) Topping, E. W. Green, 1869; H. B. Smith, B. F. Simpson, J. M. Carpenter, 1870; J. W. Beaty, Reuben Smith, 1872; J. C. Carey, M. Finkham, 1873; T. E. Smith, F. M. Fain, 1874; Eli Davis, J. C. Nichols, 1875; Eli Davis, L. Hendrickson, G. F. Tracey, 1876; J. W. Games, James Martin, H. Rice, 1878; J. W. Games, Henry Post, and H. Rice, 1880. continued on page 14

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