Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

 • Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama

the assignments, and follow through on them promptly. It will enhance your learning greatly if you do not simply think about these truths, but actually put them into practice. Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama (The Sacred Roots Follow-up Curriculum) To become a Christian is to join the Story of God, a Story that God is telling and fulfilling through all time! His story of redemption and love, of salvation and hope, of battle and victory, has now become your Story. The sacred roots of this Story go back to the beginning of time, and extend to the hope of the glorious Kingdom under Christ’s reign. Through faith in the Lord Jesus, you have been delivered from sin, released from punishment and bondage, and enlisted in the fight. In this lesson book you will find out how to put on the whole Armor of God, recognize the lies of the enemy, and learn to grow with fellow believers. You have been enrolled in the fight, so, learn how to fight the good fight, knowing that the battle for spiritual victory belongs to the Lord. John Eldredge, a pastor who has written much on spiritual warfare, says that “The story of your life is the story of a long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be – and fears it.” Who knows what God has in store for you as you learn to represent Christ before your family and friends, and your associates and neighbors. You must learn to do battle. This is a “follow up” curriculum, designed to help you know how to start the Christian life with the right perspective and tools to fight the good fight. This guide book will show you how. Stu Webber, a retired military officer and now a pastor, has written on the nature of the spiritual conflict that every Christian, whether young in the Lord or a seasoned warrior, faces each day: Every Christian is a walking battlefield. Every believer carries deep within himself a terrible conflict. And most of us will gravitate to anything that will help us win the battle. Call it the battle between the flesh and the spirit. Call it the quest for the victorious Christian life. Call it what you want. But it’s a flat-out-knock-down-drag-out war. And when it’s over, you want to be among those who are still standing. The principles of war are taught in military academies all over the world. In most ways, spiritual warfare is no different than physical warfare. Every soldier who expects to not only survive but win must understand and employ these principles in his own daily battles “against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6.12b NIV).

> Stu Webber. Spirit Warriors. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 2001, p. 16.

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