Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

Lesson : The Endurance We Display • 

c. All discipline seems painful but later yields _____________________ to those who are trained by it (v. 11).

3. We can learn to persevere by remembering the faithfulness of believers who endured under pressure in the midst of trials. a. Read 1 Cor. 10.1-13. How are the examples of believers in Scripture meant to teach us about persevering in the faith?

b. Read Job 23.8-14. What can we learn about the proper attitudes during struggle from Job’s experience and reaction toward his trials and problems?

4. Prayer is God’s antidote and provision for every Christian who finds himself or herself in pain or struggle during troubled times. Match the following verses with the correct description. a. Luke 18.1-8 ___Ask, seek, and knock in prayer, and God will supply b. 1 Thess. 5.17; Rom.12.12 ___You need to endure; do God’s will, and you will receive the promise c. Luke 11.5-13 ___Pray without ceasing d. Heb. 10.36-38 ___We ought always to pray, and never to give up e. Eph. 6.18 ___Pray at all times in the Spirit 5. Believers are never to give up, but should constantly strengthen one another in our faith in the midst of trial. Read Jude 20-25 and fill in the blanks. a. Jude says we should ___________________________ in our faith and pray in the ___________________________ as we wait for the mercy of the Lord that leads to eternal life. b. _____________________________________, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.

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