Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

Lesson : The Endurance We Display • 

2. “I don’t see how I could make it without the people of God! They’ve made all the difference.” One fine brother in the Lord came to Christ in prison, and immediately after his release he made a commitment to a local church. He spent as much time with the believers in that congrega tion as he possibly could. He attended the services and studies, and became fast friends with other brothers in the church. He volunteered to serve in various outreach efforts of the church, and he sought the pastor’s advice on matters he faced in his personal life. For years, this assembly of believers became his home, literally his home away from home, and in reflecting on how God used the pastor and the believers in that church in his life, he said, “I don’t see how I could make it without the people of God! They’ve made all the difference. Their support, love, and counsel are the reason why I am serving the Lord today.” How does this example help us to understand the role of other believers in our perseverance in our faith? 3. “When will things begin to change? I’ve been struggling with this trial for such a long while. Man, it seems like a lot of waiting.” Sometimes the Christian life is exciting, with new lessons and victories coming one after another, producing in us feelings of surprise, excitement, and joy. At other times, however, it can be slow and difficult, filled with problems and trials that last a long time, with no relief in sight. Believers can easily become discouraged after great pain, like suffering a prolonged illness, losing a loved one, or struggling with some moral failure. One of the most important lessons for Christian maturity is to learn how to wait on God in the midst of difficult struggle . We need God’s grace to bring us through the trial, that we may endure it. This is why the disciplines of the Christian life are so important. Regardless of how we feel or how things are going, we need to persevere in prayer, in fellowship with Christ-followers in a local church, in the Word of God, and in walking with the Lord. Why is it important to never let the things we are experiencing have the final say on our endurance through trial? Why is it dangerous to permit our emotions and reactions to circumstances to dictate how we follow Christ, whether in the disciplines, or in our walk with other Christians in fellowship? Indeed, the central principle of growing up into Christ is learning to persevere, to stay alert, and not get caught off guard. We must press on and continue forward for the prize, no matter how hard it may become. But we don’t do this alone. We have resources to empower us to stand true to our calling as we persevere in the good fight of faith. The Spirit of God encourages us – he constantly indwells us, works through other gifted believers to encourage us, and strengthens us in times of need. Every


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