Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

Lesson : The Epic We Find Ourselves In • 

Almighty made the world, and that creation is too beautiful and magnificent for it just to have happened, without any purpose or meaning. If you were Janice, how would you share with Leah about the Scriptures you have just studied on what the Bible says about God and his creation of the world. 2. “Why doesn’t God change things now?” In a Bible Study with some new Christians, the question came up “If God is the creator, and he is working all things together, why does horrible stuff happen in the world?” Some believed that God didn’t know about all the stuff going on in the world, while others said that God knew, but he had decided not to interfere with the things going on. Based on what you know now, how would you answer the question on why things are going on as they are in the world? How does what we learned in this lesson help us understand why God might allow us to go through hard things, at least for a time? 3. Aren’t there many paths to God? Many people today believe that all religions are equally important and that there are many different paths that lead to God. It is as if at the bottom of a mountain, many different groups start out to hike to the top of the mountain, beginning from different points in the foothills. They all intend to get to the top of the mountain (where the “divine” lives), but they will take different paths, coming from different angles and viewpoints along the way. Sooner or later (so the argument goes) all of the hikers (the religions of the world) will find their way to the top (spirituality and the divine). In this view, all religions are equal, all speak truly of the divine, and any of them can be followed to find God. How does our study speak to this kind of reasoning about many paths to the divine? Now that you have repented (turned away from sin) and believed in Jesus of Nazareth as Lord, you have been born from above, made a child of God through faith in the Gospel. This means that you have been chosen by God, and are a part of his grand plan to save out of humankind a people for his own glory. You are not simply reading about God’s plan and Story, you have now joined it! You now have been joined to Jesus by faith, and have been forgiven of your sin, adopted into his family, and recruited into his army. When you believed in Jesus, you joined the Story! This means you now need to learn all about the Story, what God is doing, how he wants you to live, and how you can be used by him to help others join his Story of love and salvation, too. Don’t be afraid; God has given you his own Holy Spirit to teach you, he has given you the Word of God to


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