Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

 • Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama

a. Read Romans 6.3-10. List three things that happened to us when we were baptized into Christ. i. ii. iii.

b. Since we died with Christ, and likewise rose with him from the dead (by faith), what strength does sin now have over us (vv. 9-10)?

c. How are we to count ourselves in connection to sin and its power over us today (vv. 11-13)?

4. Jesus is the center of the Christian life, the one we must continue to follow in all things. Read Colossians 2.1-10. a. Why does Paul describe Christ as “the mystery of God,” the one in whom is found all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (vv. 3-4)?

b. How does Paul challenge the Colossians to respond to Christ, now that they have received him as their Savior and Lord (vv. 6-7)?

c. What should believers always be on guard against (v. 8)?

d. How does verse 10 describe Jesus’ nature, both as God and man?

5. The believer is blessed with abundant favor and blessings “in Christ.” Read Ephesians 1.3-14. a. List at least five blessings you have received as a result of being “in Christ.” i. ii.

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