Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

 • Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama

Lord’s Supper (worship), be formed spiritually as we walk together in the spiritual disciplines (discipleship), and share the Good News in word and deed (witness). As we continue to grow in our ability to worship God and fight this fight, we become mature in our faith so we can equip other believers. The more believers grow in maturity, the more unity there is in the church, which is pleasing to Christ. The Holy Spirit is God’s representative. He mirrors God’s truth. That means if you sense the Spirit leading your thoughts or guiding your actions, His guidance always lines up with the truth of God’s Word. The Spirit never leads us in ways that oppose Scripture. He won’t; He can’t. He represents and lifts up the person of Jesus. He gives illumination to the character and ways of God. So when you believe the Spirit is guiding your life, use this test: Does this match up with the truth of the Bible? If not, send it packing to the island of misfit thoughts. We are all capable of imagination and wandering thoughts. Remember Paul’s words of advice to hold those thoughts captive and see if they obey the truth of Christ. If they don’t agree with Scripture, they’re not from the Spirit – and they don’t belong in your thought closet. ~ Jennifer Rothschild. The Endowment We Receive Lesson 4 Bible Study Read the following Scriptures and answer briefly the questions associated with each biblical teaching. 1. Jesus prayed for us, and for all those who would come to believe in him as Lord and Savior. Read John 17.20-26. List three things that Jesus asks of the Father on our behalf. Self Talk, Soul Talk: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2001, pp. 54-55.

a. b. c.

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