Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

Lesson : The Endowment We Receive • 

8. Christ promised to send the Holy Spirit to equip believers to do his work in the world. Read John16.5-15. List at least three things that Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do for us.

a. b. c.

9. The believer is called to cooperate in every way with the Holy Spirit, obeying his Word and following his promptings . Read the following Scriptures and describe how we are to respond to the Holy Spirit.

a. Romans 8.22-27 b. Ephesians 4.30

c. Galatians 5.16 d. Ephesians 5.18 e. 1 Thessalonians 5.19

10. God has provided gifted men and women whose task it is to make Christ’s body strong and mature. Read Ephesians 4.11-15. What specific leaders has the Lord given to the Church in order that it might become fully mature in Christ?

11. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to understand spiritual truth and empowers us to be filled with the fulness of God. Read Ephesians 3.16-19. List three things Paul prays that the Spirit would do in us.

a. b. c.

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