Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

 • Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama

1 John 3.16-18 – By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. The Bible is abundant in its call for believers to make their love genuine (Rom. 12.9), shown through our service to others (Gal. 5.13), not merely in nice words but in practical action (James 2.15-17). Why do you think the Lord places so much emphasis on the point that our love needs to be shown, not merely in words alone, but in practical good works that people can see and experience? Now, you must think about what ways these dynamic biblical truths can impact your life right now. Since you are one of God’s beloved children by faith in Jesus Christ, you have been called to become an imitator of God, and are called a saint, a holy one of God! Think of the ways that you currently conduct yourself, how you speak and react to others, how you relate to family members and friends, and how you care for others. Ask the Holy Spirit for strength and wisdom so you can live a life more consistent with God’s call, with the people you relate to. What things do you need to quit doing, things that may block your experience with Christ, and leave a wrong impression on others regarding your testimony? Also, you are an ambassador for Christ, called to represent Christ and his Kingdom in all you say and do. What ways can you better relate or act toward others that would give them a clearer picture of who Christ is, and what his Kingdom is about? Don’t be afraid to be honest. You may have to stop some things altogether, maybe start doing certain things, or change certain behaviors or relationships. God may lead you to continue to do something, or ask you to do it more often, or with others. Be open to the Spirit as he speaks to you about your sainthood and your ambassadorship, and then do whatever he commands. Remember, godliness is simply obedience repeated in countless little ways, day after day after day. Respond to God as he speaks to you, and live into your new identity as a saint of God, and an ambassador of Christ.


Because of God’s power at work within me, I can imitate God’s character, representing God as his ambassador through love and service to others.


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