Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

Lesson : The Enemy We Fight • 

attitudes. This victory is ours, but it must be fought for, defended, and applied each moment of every day. God instructs believers to submit to him, to resist the devil, and only then will the enemy flee from us. Why do you think the Lord would have us receive our victory only after we have engaged the enemy and resisted his attempts to hurt, deceive, and defeat us? In the last session ( The Edification We Seek ) you learned that we are to love one another and submit to one another in the local church. Now you will find out more about the enemy we face in the good fight of faith. Because of Satan the universe is at war, and we are combatants in this war. Neutrality is not possible. Our adversary the devil leads a host of spiritual beings who are clever and dangerous. They use the fallen nature of the world and the desires of our own flesh to resist God’s work, so we must be on our guard against their schemes. We must also realize that no human is our enemy. Even though we experience spiritual danger at every turn, God is with us and helps us fight the good fight of faith, despite the efforts of the enemy. Though Jesus has won the victory over the devil for all Christians, we still must take on an attitude to fight the enemy, to be self-controlled and alert. We must be vigilant and watchful, for our adversary (the devil) is constantly looking for an opportunity to harm us, to attack us, and to destroy us. Through lies and accusations he seeks to maul, discourage, and devour believers, to spiritually defeat us as we follow Christ. We must, therefore, learn how to effectively resist the devil, to withstand him. We must defend ourselves against his attacks, telling ourselves the truth, making sure that we depend completely on Christ. We must walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, and stand firm in the truths of our faith. Remember, too, that we are never alone in this fight; other Christians scattered through out the world are also suffering in their own warfare, too. We can be certain that although the battle is fierce, constant, and daily, in the end, the grace of God will provide the ultimate victory. Our suffering will last only a little while, but the glory we will experience in Christ will be eternal. God himself will restore us, make us strong, help us to stand firm, and keep us steadfast, till the end of the fight!


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