1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant

200 THE NEW GUIDE FOR HOTELS, ETC. point, and slowly through the spout till the hissing ceases, pour down the sink pipe which it will cleanse, rinse with boiling water, boil out with soda water, and you will have for 2d. and 10 minutes' labour, cleansed the kettle and kept it in good condition, that would have cost Is. 6d. at the professional "Scalers." Spirits of salt should be used in the urinals, to free them from lime deposits, and ammoniacal salts, also plenty of *' Jeye's Perfect Purifier" in the kitchens and lavatories. This is a non-poisonous disinfectant; safe, for home and kitchen use ; far safer than carbolic acid, for if it should be taken internally, no serious harm will accrue, and for cuts, burns and scalds, I always like to have it handy. The juice of the living pine trees, as prepared by Jeyes, is far superior as an antiseptic and healer, than the liquid extracted from the dead and buried forest monarchs, now termed coal — the source of carbolic acid. Food Storage, The pantries for dry goods, should be dry, well ventilated, and of moderately even temperature. Of course in large kitchens we buy in bulk at Wholesale rates, and Market prices, with reductions on large quantities. But it is a bad plan to overstock. It is best where the Chef can buy in or the Maitre (T Hotel himself see after the purchase, examine the goods ; not merely looking at the surface show of a box of grapes, or a barrel of apples, or crate of cauliflowers, but to see by personal inspection, before loading, paying, or removing from the market stand. There is neither crime nor meanness in such an examination, it is a fact that if you are not particular, and trust the sellers, they jocularly

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