1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Black beetles are a cause of trouble in kitchens. I re- member one Chef who used the fire hose to get them oflf the walls, but they revenged themselves that night, they crept into the pigeon pies for a great masonic ball supper ! Now I never give them the most remote chance of so doing, on the principle That prevention is better than cure,'* and I strew rhubarb leaves smooth side downwards on the kitchen and bakery floors, and the maids or men sweep up the remains of the beetles, crickets, &c., &c., cremate them and the leaves, fresh leaves are used for a few days, and then the pests are got rid of. I have to thank the British and Foreign Confectioner'' s correspondents for the first I laid traps, used poisons, but the beetles were too The rhubarb leaves however were a big success. wary. hint.

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