The Owners' Manual - Issue 9 - Winter 2017

Did you have a 2016 New Year’s Resolution that you stuck with and actually rocked? Do you have a 2017 New Year’s Resolution that you have already star ted?

2016: Hit the gym at least three days per week including two mornings at 5:30 am so there’s no excuse to skip it after a long day (2015 habit). Nailed it most weeks including travel days! 2017: Same again… not gonna mess with a good thing.

My 2017 Resolution is to make changes in my personal and professional life to become healthier physically and emotionally and decrease the STRESS in my life.

Generally, it’s been the same for a long time now. My NewYear’s Resolution is: “To try to be greater than the sum of my mistakes”. Its more about accepting that I will make them but at least try to be better through it.

I no longer make NewYear’s resolutions. I’ve opted instead for continuous improvement ☺

In 2016 my successful resolution was to not eat any French Fries. This resolution was much more difficult than you would imagine. Do you know how many times fries are offered as an option? Do you know how many times I had to smell McDonald’s fries on road trips? Do you know how many side salads and kale one must have instead of fries in just a year’s time? Please note that my husband and I both enjoyed a successful year French Fry Free but there was loophole noted in the fine print of this resolution. The Tater Tot loophole was enacted any time I went to Plan B.

I didn’t set any resolutions for 2016 (who needs resolutions, anyway?) – but decided to make up for that this year by setting a whole bunch. I’ll only share a few of them… 1) procrastinate less, 2) cook for myself more often (cereal doesn’t count), 3) use the snooze button less frequently (wake up earlier and stop rushing in the morning!), 4) spend more time giving back in my community.

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