The Owners' Manual - Issue 9 - Winter 2017

Giving Back with friends: Thanks to fellow Employee Owners for supporting the fundraiser (Pictured: Aaron Foster, Chris Fagan, Brett Stark, Joe Blowers)

Aaron, Jaime & the CEO of Foodshare James Arena-DeRosa.

Aaron and Jaime Foster hosted a Foodshare fundraiser in December with a goal to raise $3,000 to fund the retrofit of a truck to become a food delivery vehicle. With the support of friends, family and BL colleagues the event raised almost $7,000.

Doug the Elf

The Allworx Phone Graveyard. How are you liking the new-and- improved Polycom phones?

BL’s annual selfie at Rockefeller Center for the ICSC NYC Show.

Camp Hill held their holiday party in January, with a Monte Carlo-themed event. Pictured right: Dave Weitzel (Steph’s husband), Steph Weitzel, Carrie (Kellen’s fiancée), Joe Kempf, Scott Mowery, Sharon Lucisano, Kellen Bullock

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