© Copyright 2005 Nebraska Irrigation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PH: 402-564-1514 • FAX: 402-563-2792 • Columbus, Nebraska • nebraskairrigation.com
111 Solenoid Valves 111 Solenoid Coils Booster Pump Fittings 111 Brass Push Fittings Sprinkler Packages 112 Sprinkler Chart Data Form S ECTION G: W ATER D ISTRIBUTION C OMPONENTS Pumps 114 Berkeley Pump Summary 115 Berkeley P.T.O. Driven Centrifugal Pumps 116 Close-Coupled, Electric Drive Centrifugal Pumps 117 Frame-Mounted Centrifugal Pumps 117 Submersible Pumps Pumps Accessories 118 Primers 118 Hand Primers 118 Power Primers 118 Intake Manifold Primers 118 Discharge Priming Valves 119 Screens 120 Pump Fittings Drive Shafts 121 Irrigation Universal Joint Drive Shafts 121 Shaft Guards for Irrigation Drive Lines Center Pivot Span Connec- tion Components 122 Boot Hose Kits 122 Split Couplers and Gaskets 122 Gaskets for Can Couplers 122 Ball Couplers and Springs 123 Drains Chemigation 123 Chemigation Drains 124 Chemigation / Check Valves 125 Chemigation Pumps 125 Check Valves Gaskets 126 Pivot Flange Gaskets and Seals 127 Pivot Riser Gaskets, Seals 127 Pump Flange Gaskets Flanges 128 Pump FlangesValves
129 Butterfly Valves
129 Inline Wafer Valves
130 Combination Line / Check Valves 130 Butterfly Line Valves Flow Meters 131 McCrometer Saddle Flow Meters Underground Pipe 132 NI Underground Pipe Fit- tings 132 “L” Risers 132 “Z” Pipe 133 “T” Double Coupler 133 “Cactus Jack” Double Cou- pler Relief Valves 133 Pressure Relief Valves 133 Air Relief & Vacuum Relief Valves 134 Netafim Air Release and Vacuum Valves Pipe and Pipe Fittings 135 PVC Pipe Fittings 135 PVC Pipe 135 Underground Fittings 135 Polyethylene Plastic Pipe 135 Aluminum Pipe Pipe Valves 136 Valve Stubs, Tee Valves, Elbow Valves Fittings 137 Steel Fittings, Ring Lock 139 Steel Fittings, Band & Hook 140 Low Pressure Fittings, Band & Hook, Aluminum – Up to 75 psi 142 Low Pressure Fittings, Ring Lock, Aluminum — Up to 45 psi 144 Aluminum & Steel Weld-On Fittings 145 Hose Barbs 145 Pipe Repair Clamps 145 Saddle Fittings for Irrigation Pipe 145 Cooling Coil Hose 146 Water Hose for Agricultural and Industrial Applica- tions Traveler Accessories 147 Traveler Drag Hose 147 Pull Couplers 147 Bands and Clamps 147 Heavy-Duty Traveler Cable 147 Traveling Guns 147 Hose Reels 147 Hose Splice Mender Gaskets 148 Irrigation Pipe Gaskets – NI Part Numbers 148 Irrigation Pipe Gasket Cross Sections Gates 150 Roughneck ™ Flood Irrigation Gates 150 Dam Gates 150 Rectangle Gates 150 Flow Gates 150 Keyhole Gates 150 Universal Gates S ECTION H: M ISCELLANEOUS P RODUCTS Support Equipment 151 Laser Range Finder 151 Cable Fault Identifier 152 Engine Trailers 152 Pipe Trailers 152 Rubber-Tracked Carriers 152 Engine Covers