Trafika Europe 6 - Arabesque

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no effect on animal semen or on plants’ prosaic pollen, but a substantial one on human males. In the same year that Guillèn’s presumption was established, Jørgen Møller M.D. remarked in an article on the ear that “among humans the outer ear ’s phys iologi cal value i s remarkablysmall;nonetheless, it appears to slightly amplify sound and to possess some value in pinpointing a sound’s direction.” At the same time, Dr. Møller suggests that among most mammals, whose outer ear is much more fully developed than a human one, the benef it is obviously greater. The dif ference between the benefit a human derives from his outer ear and that enjoyed by the higher mammals is, therefore, sliding, and this difference blurs no less than all others during

human sexual intercourse, whereupon the capacity of the lovers’ ears for self- hearing increasesdramatically, in some cases so remarkably that the lovers, despite their heartfelt and apparently soundless undertaking, could not help but notice that for a split second their ears heard themsel ves . That thi s occurrence collided a moment later with their more or less conscious awareness of the outer ear ’s super f lui ty prompted the lovers to reject the outer ear in the orgasm’s final seconds. Naturally, this rejectionwasnotphysiological, but mental, which meant that it was easily transferrable to the sperm, which then began its journey up to the egg, the journey’s eagerly anticipated end. This brings us back to the aforementioned traces silence left in 1915, since a number


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