Trafika Europe 6 - Arabesque

per højholt

one was dealing with a form of involuntary parody on the ear’s part and so they let it go. I n Co l ogne ano the r complicated birth also took place during the period in question, but the exact circumstances could not be pinned down, this due to the misfor tune the archives suffered during World War II. In almost the exact same contex t, i t should be ment i oned that any assumptions that the 1915 silence was in some way compelled by the world war of 1914-18, or was the unset tl ing, i f thought- provoking result of pacifist efforts cannot be evidentially proven. Of course, the ears could not help but be affected by the fact that a world war was playing itself out on the European stage where in the course of a couple of weeks

in 1915 they suddenly appeared by the thousands. Since they could only hear themselves, however, the war’s tumult only bothered them to the extent that it precluded them in this endeavor, so after themajority had listened in vain for weeks or months, they set out to find locales where they could give themselves over to this particular pursuit with greater success. On these journeys they met other ears who had taken flight for the same reason and they immediately banded together, so that by the time 1916 drew to a close small ear flocks all over Europe were headed for the neutral countries. It cannot be denied that during that winter many ears perished upon battling Europe’s promontories or were crushed on rocks in narrow channels or surprised


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