Gideon Colliver Bar Mitzvah

Our Deepest Gratitudes

We are utmost grateful for current and past Directors of the Blacksburg Jewish Community Center Sunday School. You continue to imbibe our community with a love of Jewish learning and Jewish traditions. We are particularly grateful to Ester Hallerman for her expert tutoring, willingness to invite Gideon into her home, and assistance in taking Gideon to Saturday morning services when we could not. Thank you to Eric Hallerman for being our expert Gabbai and his recording of the chants of the morning service. Thank you to Muriel Kranowski for her recordings of the Torah portions. Thank you to the Hillel of Virginia Tech for allowing us to host our Bar Mitzvah service and luncheon in your beautiful facility. Thank you to our wonderful family and friends for making the time to be here with us today. We are honored and blessed by your presence.

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