ME&A Textbook Catalogue 2016


Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 9th Edition S. Grossman

Featuring brilliant art, engaging new case studies, and dynamic new teaching and learning resources, the Ninth Edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States is captivating, accessible, and student-friendly while retaining the comprehensive, nursing- focused coverage that has made it a market leader. The book’s unique emphasis on “concepts” of altered health states, as opposed to factual descriptions of diseases and disorders, helps students grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health. 978-1-4511-4599-1 / 1,648 pp / 2013

Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4th Edition C. Porth

Clear, readable, and student-friendly, Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States , 4e delivers need-to-know disease content, along with the essential foundation in science that nursing, physician assistant, pharmacology, advanced health science, and medical students need to succeed in their future careers. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works.

The Fourth Edition builds on the book’s extremely successful art program and the “Understanding” feature and incorporates summary concept boxes after each section. 978-1-4511-9432-6 / 1,280 pp / 637 illus / 2014


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