ME&A Textbook Catalogue 2016


Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 4th Edition H. Rennke, B. Denker This text offers medical students a case-based approach to learning

mechanisms of renal disease. Each chapter covers a disease and begins with a patient case, followed by discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease. Issues of differential diagnosis and therapy are linked to pathophysiological mechanisms. Short questions interspersed in the text require students to apply their knowledge, and detailed answers to the questions are given. 978-1-4511-7338-3 / 392 pp / 145 illus, 32 tables / 2013

Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 8th Edition J. West

This companion monograph to West’s Respiratory Physiology covers normal respiratory function and focuses on the function of the diseased lung. Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials offers a concise overview of the diseased states of the lung, emphasising structure and function. The Eighth Edition is updated to include new information on asthma therapies, new radiographs and micrographs, extended sections on infections and cancer, more thorough explanations for review questions, and a new summary appendix of equations with sample calculations. 978-1-4511-0713-5 / 208 pp / 78 illus, 3 tables / 2012

Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Related Approach, 2nd Edition J. West For further information , please see Physiology . 978-0-7817-6701-9 / 150 pp / 181 illus / 2007


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