ME&A Textbook Catalogue 2016

Koda-Kimble and Young’s Applied Therapeutics, 10th Edition B. Alldredge, R. Corelli, M. Ernst, B. Guglielmo, P. Jacobson, W. Kradjan, B. Williams

This widely used text uses a case-based approach to help students master the fundamentals of drug therapeutics. Students will learn the basics of common diseases and disorders and develop practical problem-solving skills for devising and implementing successful drug treatment regimens. Case studies integrated into each chapter illustrate key concepts and principles of therapeutics and give students practice in developing their own evidence- based therapeutic plans. 978-1-4511-7576-9 / 2,560 pp / 2012

Handbook of Applied Therapeutics, 9th Edition B. Sweet

This must-have resource for students and practicing clinicians alike, presents drug-related content in a bulleted, tabular, quick-access format to support therapeutic decision-making at the point-of-care. The updated Ninth Edition provides in-depth information on the latest drug treatments for more than 85 diseases and conditions, including heart failure, schizophrenia, viral hepatitis, and diabetes mellitus. 978-1-4511-9345-9 / 800 pp / Apr 2015


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