ME&A Textbook Catalogue 2016


Functional Training Handbook: Flexibility, Core Stability and Athletic Performance C. Liebenson

Based on the successful Rehabilitation of the Spine, Second Edition, this practical handbook delivers clear, how-to-do-it information plus an array of sport- specific guidelines to help keep today’s athletes at peak performance. 978-1-58255-920-9 / 472 pp / 2014

Greenman’s Principles of Manual Medicine, 5th Edition L A. DeStefano

With a focus on the “how” and “why” of manual medicine techniques, Greenman’s Principles of Manual Medicine, Fifth Edition, gives you the tools you need to improve patients’ neuromusculoskeletal system function. Covering the foundations of manual medicine as well as specific techniques for diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal pain, this popular guide features more than 1,000 photographs that walk you step by step through each technique. Taking you systematically from principles and concepts, through specific techniques and procedures, to clinical correlations, this new edition is thoroughly up to date, and features a clinical focus that prepares you for today’s practice.

This updated edition includes a new chapter on clinical correlations of the upper quarter, and an easy to follow, consistent approach to cervical mobilization with impulse techniques.Updated terminology for normal lumbosacral and sacroiliac motion. 978-1-45119-390-9 / 520 pp / 1,130 illus / 10 tables / Apr 2016


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