ME&A Textbook Catalogue 2016



Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 3rd Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! Third Edition provides nurses and nursing students with the information they need to confidently provide optimum care to patients. Written in the award-winning Incredibly Easy! style, which makes complex medical-surgical nursing concepts easy to understand, it is perfect for those entering or needing a refresher in medical- surgical nursing. 978-1-60913-648-2 / 960 pp / 860 illus, 20 tables / 2011


Focus on Adult Health: Medical Surgical Nursing L. Pellico

This new text focuses on teaching students adult health content with a true clinical focus. By giving depth and breadth to essential content, Focus on Adult Health: Medical-Surgical Nursing includes all of the necessary information beginning nurses need to know for safe and effective practice in a medical- surgical setting. Clear, concise language, specially designed features, and a comprehensive learning package all work together to improve and support student comprehension and application. 978-1-58255-877-6 / 1,608 pp / 351 illus, 237 tables / 2012


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