November Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6

suggested that a sign be placed on the shed stating that no personal items are allowed. Don will get the sign made.

Membership – Bob Carnaghi There are 3 members on the waiting list. A discussion was held about keeping the $500 initiation fee. The decision will be tabled until the January meeting.

Publications – Greg Brigman No Report. Absent excused

Secretary – Diane French A check to Hospice of Henry Ford was sent in lieu of flowers in memory of Larry Gierlowski's mother.

Supplies – Hugh Vestal Inventory is a little higher than last year. Supplies that cannot be stored will be sold at the work parties. The valves for the wands will be blown out on the afternoon of the first work party. The liquor will be put away. The beer tappers will be blown out at the second work party. Transportation – Pat Carroll There are already 4 people that paid for winter storage in the parking lot. Number 1 Fin will come out after first work party, and #2 and #3 will come out after 2nd work party. Rich asked to leave one Fin in so the glass for the shower doors can be installed. Fleet Captain – Greg & Yvonne Murray Looking forward to the 'Yacht Club Hopping Rendezvous' in Toledo on October 25-27. You can spend as little or as much as you want since this will be a pay as you go event. Please make reservations by October 11 to allow the clubs to prepare for us. The hotel reservations are at the Holiday Inn.



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