Fypon | Polyurethane Price List


•Once the request hasbeenapproved,anRGAwill be issued,and thegoodsmaybe returnedFreight Prepaid to theaddressdesignatedon theRGA. •The returnedgoodsmust beonapallet adequately sized tosupport theproduct. •Returnedgoodsmust beappropriatelybracedand secured in thecontainer toensuresafe transport of the goods to thedestinationplant. •Goods returnedbrokenor damagedasa result of not followingpackaging requirementswill bedeniedcredit. •Uponreceipt of returnedgoods,Fyponwill inspect the goodsand issueacredit, less restockingfees,contingent onmeetingtherequirementsof theRGAprocess. • Itemsnot eligible for returnor credit: • Damagedproduct • Product that hasbeen installed,paintedor inany waymodified fromtheoriginal shippedcondition • Customor specialmadegoods • Obsoletegoods Warranty* Fyponwill processclaims for installedproductunder the followingguidelines: •Warranty requests fromhomeownersor end-use customersshouldbeprocessedat the local dealer to determine if thereareany installationproblems.This may requirean initial field inspectionbyadealer representative. •Warranty issues that aredeterminedby thedealer tobe aqualitydefect shouldfileaclaimwithFypon. • Theclaims request should include: ° Inspectiondetails ° Photos ° Original purchaseorder number anddate ° Proof of homeownership

•TheFyponTrafficDepartmentwill fileall in-transit damage claims that include theproper noticeanddocumentation as required in thissection. •Thecustomer isobligated to report carrier damageclaims withproper documentation to theattentionof theFypon QualityDepartment,and failure todosomay result in disallowanceof aclaim. QualityReturns Fyponwill consideracceptingqualityreturns for uninstalledproductunder the followingguidelines: •Requests for defectivematerial RGAmust bemadewithin 6monthsof deliveryof goods. •Requests for defectivematerial RGAmust besubmitted inwriting to theFyponQualityDepartment at fyponrga@thermatru.com. •Once the request hasbeenapproved,anRGAwill be issued,and thegoodsmaybe returnedFreightCollect to theaddressdesignatedon theRGAonaFypon-approved carrier. •Upon receipt of returnedgoods,Fyponwill inspect the goodsand issueacredit contingent onmeeting the requirementsof theRGAprocess. • Itemsnot eligible for returnor credit: • Damagedproduct • Product that hasbeen installed,paintedor inanyway modified fromtheoriginal shippedcondition PolicyReturns Fyponwill acceptpolicyreturnsunder the following guidelines, inFypon'ssolediscretion: •Requests for policyRGAmust bemadewithin6monthsof deliveryof goods.

•Requests for policyRGAmust besubmitted inwriting to theFyponQualityDepartment at fyponrga@thermatru.com. •All requests for returnedgoodsaresubject to the following:

• Goodsmust be incleanandoriginal condition. • Goodsmust be inunbroken,original packaging. • Restocking fees: ° 1-90days–minimum20%restocking fee ° 91-180days–minimum30%restocking fee

*For completedetailsonourwarranty,seepages28-29orwww.fypon.com


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