How to reduce the risk of flammable liquids in the workplace


Once you have identi ed all the potential hazards associated with the ammable liquids stored in your workplace, you can then carry out a risk assessment. A risk assessment is a systematic approach to identifying how the storage of your ammable liquids could harm people property and the environment of your organisation.

This process involves assessing:

What hazardous events (accidents, incidents), could occur? How frequently these hazardous events could occur? What the consequences of each event could be? What are the total risks (the probability and consequences of events) of each area where ammable liquids are stored.

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Once you have assessed these factors you can then use the data to calculate the risk level associated with each location where ammable liquids are stored on your premises. Risk is calculated by using the formula below:

Risk = Severity of the outcomes x Likelihood of the incident

To use this formula to calculate the level of risk, you must have a quantitative method and criteria for quantifying the likelihood of an incident occurring and the severity of the outcomes. An example of a quantitative system for ranking risks is outlined on the next page.

How to Reduce the Risk of Flammable Liquids in the Workplace


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