1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek


What Shall We Drink?

To marriage—for its joys without its pains!

Here's health to the maiden and health to the dame, And health to the gay little widow, the same; May the maid become dame,the dame widow,and then May the widow be led to be married again!—Anon

Let's wreathe the bowl with flowers of soul. The brightest wit can flnd us. We'll take a flightto Heav'n tonight And leave dull earth behind us!—Anon

Ho, a smile and a glass and a toast and a cheer For all the good wine,and we've some of it here! In cellar, in pantry, in attic, in hall. Long live this gay servant that laughsfor us all!—Anon Once more fill a bumper—never talk of the hour; Our hearts thus united,old Time has now power!—Moore

To dear old times and times to come If times to come have lots of rum!

Toast we in brandy or whisky or wine. What matter the drink if it makes wit to shine?

Happy birthday to you And many to be. With friends that are true As you are to me!

Now,then, the songs—but first, the wine! The gods be with you,friends of mine! —Eugene Field

Should you wish to find out if a man's a good fellow, His virtues and faults wiU appear when he's mellow! —Neaves Beer, beer, glorious beer, Fill yourselves right up to here!

Make a good meal of it. Drink a good deal of it. Glorious, glorious beer!—Old Song

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